1-Y Batal'on 2-Go Spetspolka Dps Gibdd Na Spetstrasse Guvd Rossii Po G. Moskve

1-Y Batal'on 2-Go Spetspolka Dps Gibdd Na Spetstrasse Guvd Rossii Po G. Moskve рядом с

  • Широта, Долгота: 55.7157741, 37.4627513

1-Y Batal'on 2-Go Spetspolka Dps Gibdd Na Spetstrasse Guvd Rossii Po G. Moskve часы работы

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1-Y Batal'on 2-Go Spetspolka Dps Gibdd Na Spetstrasse Guvd Rossii Po G. Moskve Отзывы

I would like to express my gratitude to the duty comrade. captain. Almost immediately he picked up the remote phone and consulted. And he tried to explain to me all the points and make sure that I understood correctly. 3 minutes of conv …

The helpline is not working. Inspector Khromikhin A.N. exerts pressure, threatens, snatches protocol out of hands. The overall impression is ruden …

Thanks to the 1st battalion, the inspector of the gays helped me A 1144 …

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